Couple Reveal Triplets Genders Using Potions In Cauldrons

A shocked couple armed with cauldrons hosted a potion-theme gender reveal party for their triplets – only to discover that all three babies were set to be girls. Zach and Emily Proffen stood behind the pots in Emily's parents' Maryland backyard knowing one thing: green for a boy, purple for a girl. One by one they lit the cauldrons and, sure enough, each one turned purple – leading to screams of shock, not just from the couple but those in attendance, too. Emily, 27, said she and Zach, 30, had originally planned to wait for the birth and keep their baby's gender a surprise – but when they found out they were due to have triplets, the couple changed their mind. It was around October 2021 that they found out they could discover the three babies' gender, so they decided to theme a reveal around Halloween. Family members captured the moment on video, but it wasn't until March 2022, after the triplets had been born, that Emily decided to share the footage online. The girls, Sutton, Avery and Ryann were born on January 4.