Tips For Developing Healthy Work Habits

Tips For Developing , Healthy Work Habits. Lifehack's Sara Leandro, a certified health coach, recently offered some advice for anyone wanting to work healthier. . Lifehack's Sara Leandro, a certified health coach, recently offered some advice for anyone wanting to work healthier. . To start, be sure to have breakfast, which gives you more glucose, vitamins and protein. This will help you have more energy and increase your brain power. . Leandro also recommends skipping snacks, as that can put you at risk of weight gain, added stress and excessive appetite. . She points out that bad posture increases strain on ligaments and muscles, which can leave you feeling sore. . Another contributing factor to aches and pains is sitting or standing in the same position for too long. . Try to take a break to stretch or walk around your work space. Not only can this make you feel better physically, but it can also wake you up and improve your mood. . Maintaining a clean and neat work environment is key to staying healthy at the office. Don't forget to clean your desk or your computer. . Homemade meals that are high in nutrients are a vast improvement over processed foods. . Remember to take breaks from looking at screens. If you can't do this, look for anti-screen light glasses. . Remember to take breaks from looking at screens. If you can't do this, look for anti-screen light glasses. . Work doesn't have to drag you down or make you miserable. . Help yourself feel better by taking steps to create a healthier work environment.