Advice For Coping With Our Stressful Modern World

Advice For Coping , With Our Stressful , Modern World. Blog A Life of Productivity recently reflected on a month-long sabbatical from work and digital life. . The break illustrated how unplugging can help us slow down and calm our minds. Here's what A Life of Productivity recommended to help you reconnect with analog life. . 1. Take advantage of gaps in your day , Instead of reaching for your phone in between tasks, take a moment to breathe and think about the next thing you have to do. . 2. Let yourself daydream, Keeping your digital devices out of reach offers you time to let your mind wander. . Giving yourself time to daydream can help you determine the best path forward, like a plan for overcoming obstacles that stand between you and your goals. . 3. Meditation provides a shortcut for slowing down , Regular meditation can also help you cope with stress and boost productivity. . 4. Choose analog, When you have the option to do something physically, as opposed to digitally, go with the analog choice. . Reading a book, socializing and journaling are examples of activities that have both analog and digital options. . 5. Schedule a regular technology break, Set aside time daily or weekly when you can completely disconnect from devices and screens. . Slow down your daily routine and take time to develop your inner calm