Picture Perfect Postcard Proposal Surprise

A man may have pulled off a picture-perfect proposal - tracking down the breath-taking location on a postcard given to him by his girlfriend at the beginning of their relationship. The postcard, featuring the words ‘The Best Is Yet To Come’ was given to James Chiffi, from London, UK, by his now-fiancée Harriet Bradfield in 2016. So, when he felt it was time to propose to Harriet, he set out to discover the exact location of the postcard - going so far as to track down the original photographer via the publishing company. After learning the location, James booked a city break to Munich and while there suggested they go for a drive to take in some scenery - before driving down to Lake Plansee in the Austrian Alps. In the video, Harriet notices the setting is familiar, but it’s not until James turns her round she sees the same view from the postcard, and breaks down into tears as James drops to one knee.