Farmers reject Centre's proposal to put three laws on hold for 1.5 years | Watch

Farmers rejected Centre's proposal to put the laws on hold for at least 1.5 years. Farmers' union said they want a complete withdrawal of all three agriculture laws. Rejection came from Samyukt Kisan Morcha, an umbrella body of 40 farmers' unions. This was the first time the Centre proposed to keep the laws on hold for the time being. Farmer leader, Joginder S Ugrahan said, "We will not entertain any proposal till the government repeals the farm laws. Tomorrow we will again tell the government that we want rollback of the three laws." Bharatiya Kisan Union, however, said no such decision on proposal rejection was taken. The implementation of farm laws was put on hold by a SC order passed early this month. Government and farmers to again meet on January 22 for the 11th round of discussion.