Cruz Gives Election Prediction: 30-50 Seats In House, 53-54+ Republicans In Senate

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said he has spent the past month touring the country campaigning for Republican candidates and told FOX News host Sean Hannity on Tuesday the energy and enthusiasm for changing the path we are on will shock people on Election Day. <blockquote>CRUZ: I think we're going to have an election next week that is historic. In the House, I think will win control of both houses of Congress. In the House, I think we're going to have a majority that could be 30, 40, 50 seats. We are winning seat seats right now that are D+8, D+10, D+12. Those are not seats typically competitive. Democrats are spending a lot of money in districts that are D+20 because they are at risk in some of those seats in bright blue seats. If you look at the Senate, I think we're going to take the majority, I think we're likely to be at 53 or 54 Republicans, we could be higher. I think we're very likely to win Nevada. I think Adam Laxalt is a great candidate. I think he's going to win. I think we're very likely to win Georgia. I was campaigning with Herschel Walker just a few days ago. I've campaigned repeatedly with Adam Laxalt. Both of those I think are going to win. And we've got a great shot at Arizona with Blake Masters. I think we've got a great shot in New Hampshire with General Bolduc. Those two have been vastly outspent and I wish that the party was spending more to defend those candidates and I think we're going to hold on to all of our valuable seats. I think Dr. Oz is likely to win in Pennsylvania. I think J.D. Vance is going to win in Ohio, Eric Schmidt in Missouri. I've spent the last month on a nationwide, 17-state bus tour. I've been campaigning on the road with virtually all of these guys. And the energy, the enthusiasm -- people are ready to change the path we're on. And I think they are going to shock the predictions. I agree with you. Lee Zeldin has a real shot of winning in New York and I think Tudor Dixon has a real shot in winning in Michigan.</blockquote>