DWS vs. Cuccinelli: You Pursue "Heinous White Supremacist" Ideology At All Costs, Even If Children Are Collateral Damage

Acting director of US Citizenship and Immigration Services, Ken Cuccinelli, and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) got into a heated argument during a congressional hearing over immigration policies. "When you're talking about affecting children, one would think that someone in your position was going to establish such a heinous policy with such far and significant reach, potentially harming thousands of children, then you would know how many children it would affect," the Congresswoman added. "That's defamatory," Cuccinelli responded. "Excuse me, there’s nothing defamatory about it," Wasserman Schultz said back. "You want to block all immigration and make life harder for immigrants and you have demonstrated that you will pursue this heinous white supremacist ideology at all costs, even if it means making critically ill children your collateral damage in the process," Wasserman Schultz said to Cuccinelli Wednesday. "After declaring that I am not a white supremacist, as you alluded, nor is the president," Cuccinelli fought back. "Facts matter," Schultz said. "Yes they do, truth matters," he responded.