Strain Review Skywalker Kush By Papa's Herb

<p>In this review I have Skywalker Kush an indica by Papa&#39;s Herb with this batch coming in at 17.1% THC. I found this to be a pretty mellow strain, very nice for late day usage or maybe you got up too early and want to lay back down. I myself don&#39;t find this strain putting me to sleep so it&#39;s perfect for relaxing outside or just binge watching your favorite shows. I bought this stuff from True North Cannabis Co. in Trenton, Ontario.</p> <p>CODES chilllchris15 for 15% off <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmdfSkk4X3E2ajhQYk5Hek1ZazdNRHZPOS1BZ3xBQ3Jtc0tucUlCWDBaZU9iS3E3XzRXV1ljOHBSR3l0b2VlaThRalI0MDFsOUhDeFBHWEhXSnM3aTR6Y0s3aDV3MjJ0ZDdXeERMU0pZR3VIWXlfWUxVdGpXVTB6ZmNiZ1hIZHBHOTVqX0oyLWpDcUdzaW5qczdwUQ&amp;" target="_blank"></a> CHILLVIBE for $20 off <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbC1MckVJNmRjemZqM3o2VjdBVDNfbGJvWGJCUXxBQ3Jtc0tuNkF5QjM4eFkzc2hrVUczWFRsanlSMFBzRG5aX1RYMjFjU2N3R0JPUGxhcUpIbWRxLUwtS2JjdmxoSVk3Y2tqZElvT19xUWVjcWI5ajIyYlQxOVpiMXZZRFpBOUhIdEN1MkVpTjBoMTh3VmhTbzVMZw&amp;" target="_blank"></a></p>