Learn To Snatch - Lesson 7 - Power Snatch (Floor) W

LEARN TO SNATCH - LESSON 7 - POWER SNATCH (FLOOR) Learn the Snatch lift from U.S. Olympic & Team USA coach, Harvey Newton. Originally called a 'flip' snatch, the power snatch does not mean there is more power applied in this lift, only that it does not include a full squat or split receiving position. There is no hard and fast rule to decide when a snatch is a power snatch, but the thighs should be above parallel to the ground when viewed from the side. Catching a lift lower than this and it's a squat snatch. While the power snatch is often used in strength training protocols, most weightlifters only use the exercise as a warm-up or a speed development exercise. To lift a heavy weight in the power snatch a lifter has to pull slightly different than for squat or split snatch. Great power snatch performance does not necessarily transfer to great snatch results. Assume a strong starting position, including the bar over the toes, the feet and back flat, the hips slightly higher than the knees, shoulders in front of the bar, arms straight, and using a hook grip. Inhale and hold the breath while using the legs and hip muscles to separate the barbell from the platform. Shoulders and hips should come up at the same pace. The bar comes in slightly (not vertical) during the first pull (to the knees) and the balance shifts slightly from near the front of the foot to near the heels. At the end of the first pull the lifter is in the same position as the power snatch or snatch pull from the low blocks or low hang. The bar continues upward as previously learned, flexing the ankles and knees to assume the power position, which is the same posture used for the power snatch or snatch pull from the high blocks or high hang position. With the bar on the hip crease, the lifter “explodes” upward in the second pull, keeping the bar close to the torso, executes a pull-under phase, and catches the bar overhead with the elbows extended (straight) and the wrists extended (palms toward the ceiling). During the pull-under the lifter drops into a partial squat position to catch the weight. Initially learn to power snatch with no repositioning of the feet. As experience leads to heavier weights, a slight repositioning of the feet (“jumping the feet apart”) may be desirable. With the bar under control and overhead (above the shoulder joints) the lifter stands, pauses momentarily, and then brings the bar back down by “reverse pressing” the weights in front of the face, flipping the bar back into the power position, and finally lowering the barbell to the platform with a neutral (flat) spine. From here, the lifter repeats for the desired number of repetitions or releases the barbell to end the set. In the early learning stages a lifter may use a 1-2-3 count to execute the first pull (1), the transition (2), and the finish of the lift (3). Avoid, however, developing a hitch in the smooth execution of the lift. Experienced lifters complete the snatch, from the floor to lockout overhead in less than one second. Beginners, however, should not expect to be able to do the lift that quickly.