Strain Review Pineapple Express From Recreational Cannabis Company

<p>In this review I have Pineapple Express from Recreational Cannabis Company a sativa strain, with this batch coming in at an unknown percentage of thc. As it wasn&#39;t labeled. I definitely find this strain wakes you up if you&#39;re feeling sleepy, with a pretty good high. I find myself focusing on whatever it is gaming, editing, watching stuff, etc..... I good strain for the morning &amp; afternoon. I got this stuff from Recreational Cannabis Company in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, Ontario.</p> <p>CODE chilllchris15 for 15% off <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqa3JjSVNWZlROd2lSV2UtSFFHNzlCYXV0dGQzUXxBQ3Jtc0tuUVdqUk92NHNKRTEzZVRVSEFjTGo3c2REbGpLRk9uMHBNQ2t3X2twVldwbkdvdWhkeVRZWVBCYm52TVhsQktCVnFmTDhvX1BPLXdqY2o1bkROSFZJbFRlcEVGTFY0cHVwRWNKZmMtZks0SVl1bmc4RQ&amp;;v=uzaJKOS-Vro" target="_blank"></a></p>