Grandparents-To-Be Surprised With Couple's Rainbow Baby Announcement

A grandma-to-be burst into tears of joy when she opened a gift to discover her son and daughter-in-law's rainbow baby news hidden inside. The moment marked the end of an emotional few years for Valeria and Christopher Valenzuela, from San Antonio, Texas, as it initially took around two years for them to get pregnant. After 22 weeks of their first pregnancy, though, Valeria and Christopher were given the devastating news they had lost their baby girl. The months that followed were extremely tough, Valeria said, but in March of 2024, the couple decided they were ready to start trying for a baby once more, posting about their efforts on TikTok. After a shocked Valeria, 31, found out that she was pregnant just a month later, the couple decided to hold off telling their parents until they had a special surprise planned. For Christopher's parents, Lilliana and Jaime Navarro, the couple felt that an announcement inside a Mother's Day gift would be the perfect surprise. With Valeria stealthily recording, a delighted Lilliana opened her box, smiling with happiness at the rows of lotions she discovered inside. But then her son and daughter-in-law encouraged her to remove the interior packaging, under which Lilliana and Jaime saw the a baby scan, baby grow, pacifier and a positive pregnancy test.