TV Critic Dog Reacts To TV Shows And Movies | Happily TV

A dog owner has shared a wholesome series of videos capturing his inquisitive Norfolk Terrier’s various reactions to different television shows and movies. Owner Sam Spencer revealed his pooch Kevin, aged eight, has always enjoyed watching things, as his breed is known for spotting rats on farms. Kevin's inquisitiveness extended to watching the television, Sam, 31, added, with the dog often sitting watching entire documentaries and movies on the end of his couch. He’s even become quite particular about what shows the pair watch as well as barking to nudge Sam to turn on a show. And so, one day, Sam decided to capture Kevin watching a show on video, given that his friends had said how they were amazed by the dog's love of television, too. Those videos soon grew, with Sam initially posting six videos on social media, where they received more than half a million views. To date, Sam has posted videos of Kevin watching the likes of Jurassic Park, nature documentaries, the Wizard of Oz, and a series of Disney movies. In those clips, there are excitable jumps and barks for Kevin, which have warmed hearts and fascinated viewers on social media.