A Walk Through December with Girl Alive

<p>Come take a walk through December with Girl Alive! Learn about some of the cultural holidays in December!</p> <p>Did you know there are over 30 cultural holidays in December? Yeah, I was surprised too. So, come learn with me.<br /> <br /> Included is:</p> <p>Chalica<br /> Advent<br /> Saint Nicholas day<br /> Krampus Nacht<br /> Bodhi Day<br /> The Festival of Our Lady Guadalupe<br /> Saint Lucia Day<br /> Saturnalia<br /> Pancha Ganapati<br /> Soyal<br /> Modranicht<br /> Koliada<br /> Yalda<br /> Dongzhi<br /> Yule<br /> Hanukkah<br /> Christmas<br /> Newtonmas<br /> Kwanzaa<br /> New Years Eve<br /> Watch Night<br /> Hogmanay<br /> &amp; Omisoka<br /> <br /> Happy holidays, Blessed Yule, Merry Stolen-Holiday season!<br /> <br /> ~*~GirlAlive~*~<br /> <br /> Instagram: @GirlAlive420 (Check out my linktr.ee on my profile for a list of my links!)</p>