TWTGC! End Of Week 8, Trichomes Starting To Amber, Ladies Are Fading, Colors Are Popping! Time To Start Flushing!

<p><a href=""></a></p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p></p> <p>Well my friends, it is that time! The ladies are there and we are so happy to have a decent showing, after almost losing all of the ladies to frost in the first week of flower! Things came back strong and we should have a couple of pounds to show for it when all is said and done! Not our usual 3/4 to a full pound per plant! But hey it could have been much worse, we could have lost them all! Anyways guys and gals lets get into the end of week 8 here and take a real close look at just where we are at with things and get these beautiful girls flushing! Shall we.......</p>