Raskin: More House Democrats Are "Signing On" To Impeachment Every Day

Monday on CNN's "Outfront," Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin, a member of the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees, said that "everything" should be "on the table" when it comes to removing President Trump, including the 25th Amendment and impeachment, and that more Democrats are "signing on" to the idea every day. He said that inside the Democratic caucus has "there is a lot of momentum towards an impeachment inquiry, even as people go home over this break, they are hearing more from their constituents about it and more people are signing on to it. But I think we should be very clear about what they’re signing on to. I think that whatever divisions are in the caucus have really been overstated. I think that there’s a convergence of view that we need everything on the table at this point, including the 25th Amendment, including the Impeachment Clause, including the Speech and Debate Clause, including the Emoluments Clause."