Baby girl born with so much hair it was visible during 34 week scan

A mother who believed that newborns were bald recalled her shock when she realised her baby girl already had thick hair in the womb - which was clearly visible at her 34 week scan. After their son, Kadin, five, was born bald - as were she and her office worker boyfriend, Lee Bond, 23 - stay-at-home mum Alexandra Jechorek, 21, was astonished when her daughter, Maya, had a glossy mane before she was even born. Alexandra, of Dublin, Ireland, said: "We'd already found out we were expecting a girl at the previous scan, so at 34 weeks, we were just excited to see how much she'd grown." "When the midwife turned the screen around, I honestly couldn't believe my eyes," she said. "There was this tiny little baby on the scan with a full head of hair. I just thought, 'No way, this cannot be possible'. "To be completely honest, I thought all babies were born bald. My oldest Kadin came out bald, so I just thought that was how babies were when they were born."