Books That Shaped America: Books That Shaped America: [Adventures of Huckleberry Finn]

In part six of Books That Shaped America, Butler University Professor Andrew Levy explored [Adventures of Huckleberry Finn], authored by Mark Twain. The novel was first published in 1884 and is often called The Great American Novel. The program also includes photos of sketches from the original edition of the book; a compilation of some of the movies made about [Huckleberry Finn]; and interviews with Faye Dant, the founding director of the Jim's Journey: The Huck Finn Freedom Center; Jocelyn Chadwick, with the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the National Council on Teachers of English and the author of [The Jim Dilemma: Reading Race in Huckleberry Finn]; and Mike Kleba and Emmanuel Blanchard, both teachers at North Shore High School (NY). Books That Shaped America is a 10-part series, created in partnership with the Library of Congress, that examines major works of literature that have had a significant impact on the country and public policy.