There Are Unique Superbug Strains Aboard The Space Station

Scientists have found 13 strains of the drug-resistant bacterium Enterobacter bugandensis on the International Space Station. They have mutated under the stress of the space environment, becoming genetically distinct from their Earth counterparts. These superbugs, known for their multidrug resistance, evolved due to the unique conditions aboard the ISS. These include microgravity, radiation, and elevated carbon dioxide levels. Enterobacter bugandensis, usually harmless in the human gut, can become an opportunistic pathogen in people with compromised immunity. "The singular nature of the stresses of the space environment, distinct from any on Earth, could be driving these genomic adaptations," explained the research team. Researchers highlighted the need for “robust preventive measures." They noted that these findings could also inform safety protocols in terrestrial healthcare settings like hospital ICUs and surgical theaters.