Mintchell Video Report: A Look at Safety and Security Breaches

&lt;p&gt; In this audio/video essay Gary Mintchell Editor in Chief takes a look at the environment of risky behaviors that can lead to safety and security breaches. He looks at the BP oil rig situation and the virus that targeted <a href=";searchphrase=all&amp;searchword=wincc&amp;submit=go">Siemens WinCC</a> HMI/SCADA. For links to the articles mentioned in the video report <a href="">click here</a>. &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;And that's not it click on <a href=";searchword=security&amp;searchphrase=exact&amp;ordering=newest&amp;task=featured_articles">security</a> and <a href=";searchword=safety&amp;searchphrase=exact&amp;ordering=newest&amp;task=featured_articles">safety</a> for more content. &lt;/p&gt;