Saturn's Rings Will Vanish By 2025 But Experts Aren't Concerned

Recent reports suggest that the rings of Saturn will vanish by 2025, and while that is true, scientists are not too concerned by it. The lack of concern stems from the fact that this is a common occurrence that always corrects itself a few months later.  Firstly, Saturn’s rings are not very thick, being under 100 feet in most areas.  This means that looking at the rings edge-on from thousands of miles away can make it seem like the rings are not there at all.  Much like Earth, Saturn spins on its axis as it rotates around the sun, exposing different areas of its surrounding rings.  The big difference is that Saturn's rotation is 29 times longer than Earth’s, meaning it is almost imperceptibly slow.  So, although it may seem like the rings are vanishing, we are simply moving to a position where we see its thinnest edge.  The same thing happened in 2009 and the rings returned a few months later, with the next ‘vanishing’ set to take place in March 2025.