'Momentum' by United Visual Artists

United Visual Artists 'Momentum' project comprises a series of 12 objects that slowly oscillated in the dark void of the <a href="http://www.wallpaper.com/art/londons-barbican-celebrates-duchamp-with-the-bride-and-the-bachelors/6356" target="_self">Barbican Gallery's 90m long Curve space. The installation takes its cue from the idea of <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foucault_pendulum" target="_blank">Foucault&#39;s pendulum</a> - an instrument designed to visualise invisible forces, such as the Earth's rotation. Every single part of the project - from the electronics to the mechanics - was researched and <a href="http://www.wallpaper.com/art/yota-space-digital-art-festival-st-petersburg/5020" target="_self">custom-built by UVA </a>over nine months. Each swinging element had it's own 3D-printed acoustic-chamber, playing out a broad-textural soundtrack, and a light source that cuts a 360 degree plane through the smoke-filled void.