Stoner Tag - My first WeedTube video!

<p>Hello and welcome to my first video! Leave a comment below, let&#39;s chat :D</p> <p></p> <p>Stoner Tag Questions:</p> <p>What was the first piece you ever smoked?<br /> Did you get high the first time you smoked?<br /> Top 5 reasons you love weed?<br /> Top 3 favourite strains?<br /> Ever made yourself something to smoke out of?<br /> Bong or Blunt?<br /> What are your pieces and their names?<br /> What gets you the most stoned<br /> Where do you get your bud from?<br /> Indica or Sativa?<br /> Describe your favourite high.<br /> Favourite stoner accessory?<br /> Can you roll?<br /> Favourite movie to watch while stoned?<br /> Favourite munchies?<br /> Do you prefer to smoke with a group or alone?<br /> Ever shotgunned anybody?<br /> Ever been caught smoking by someone who cared?<br /> Most beautiful place you&#39;ve ever smoked?<br /> Most unusual thing you&#39;ve ever smoked out of?</p>