Former Vice President Joe Biden told one of the hosts of "The Breakfast Club," a morning radio show popular in the black community, that he "ain't black" if he was considering not voting against Donald Trump in November, Towards the end of an interview Friday morning, host Charlamagne Tha God asked about Biden choosing a black woman as his running mate. After his answer, an aide can be heard telling Biden: "That’s really our time. I apologize." "You can’t do that to black media!" replied Charlamagne. "I gotta do that to white media and black media because my wife has to go on at six o’clock," Biden said. "Uh no, I’m in trouble." <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This morning <a href="">@Cthagod</a> sat down with Democratic Presidential Nominee <a href="">@JoeBiden</a> to talk about a few things including his plan for African American communities in America, if he will be choosing a black female running mate + more!