The Reason Why Southerners Love Putting Salt on Watermelon

There's nothing like biting down on a slice of watermelon when the weather gets hot. Some people prefer it plain, but if you've ever spent a summer in the South, you've probably been offered the salt shaker before digging into the melon. Essentially if you add something savory to something sweet, it opens up your tastebuds and makes it sweeter. That's why prosciutto wrapped around cantaloupe and feta and watermelon salad is so darn tasty. The sweetness of the melon comes out with a pinch of salt. Salted watermelon makes a great appetizer or snack. Simply put a bit of salt on a sweet watermelon piece and enjoy how the sea salt brings out the watermelon taste! Whether you use kosher salt, table salt, or Himalayan salt, salting watermelon is a great way to enjoy the summertime fruit. But why stop there? Pout salt on grapefruit, pour balsamic vinegar on cantaloupe or drench your watermelon in lime juice and chili powder. The sky is the limit when it comes to food combinations. And don't get me started on margaritas. That's a whole 'other ball game. See more at