
What Your Clients Want From Life—Men Vs. Women Edition – Episode Nine We all know that success in life often means different things to different people. Some of your clients may say they’ll feel successful when their net worth hits a certain level, while others will measure their success by whether they’re able to pursue specific goals without worrying about their financial health. One of the many factors that can play a role in how clients define a meaningful, successful life is gender. Men and women think in different ways, which in turn can take them down divergent paths toward their specific success destinations. This has important implications for you as an advisor—particularly if you work with mixed-gender couples (as most advisors do), who may be on different pages when it comes to their respective visions of a great life. By helping clients get clear on what they want and value, and discovering for yourself the multiple ways your clients might see success, you can potentially generate significant organic growth by helping them achieve their uniquely personal goals. Key Takeaways: - Men and women largely agree on what makes a successful life—but some key differences exist. - You need to understand your clients on a deeper level than just their assets. - Work together with both people in a partnership to provide the leadership clients expect.