#ExpoAftermovie | BizCann Expo Medellin 2022

<p style="margin: 5px;">On May 21st and 22nd we were in Colombia to sponsor the BizCann Expo, an international event that seeks to build bridges between the cannabis industries of North and South America. To this end, the organization brought together the best from both sectors at the Plaza Mayor in Medellin and set the stage to create the perfect environment to foster networking and the creation of new and exciting projects for the future. </p><p style="margin: 5px;">We want to thank the BizCann Expo organization for their work to create the good atmosphere that was experienced throughout the weekend ??? </p><p style="margin: 5px;">. </p><p style="margin: 5px;">. </p><p style="margin: 5px;">El 21 y 22 de mayo viajamos a Colombia para patrocinar el BizCann Expo, un evento internacional que busca tender puentes entre las industrias cannábicas del Norte y el Sur de América. Para ello, la organización citó a lo mejor de ambos sectores en el Plaza Mayor de Medellín y lo dejó todo preparado para crear el ambiente perfecto con el que fomentar el networking y la creación de nuevos y emocionantes proyectos para el futuro. </p><p style="margin: 5px;">Queremos agradecer a la organización de BizCann Expo su labor para crear el buen ambiente que se vivió durante todo el fin de semana ??? </p><p style="margin: 5px;">***************************************************************************************************** </p><p style="margin: 5px;">► HOW TO TURN ON SUBTITLES </p><p style="margin: 5px;">?ON YOUR DESKTOP BROWSER </p><p style="margin: 5px;">1. Click the subtitle icon on the bottom-right. This button is next to the white gear icon. It will turn on subtitles/closed captions in the video. </p><p style="margin: 5px;">2. Click the white gear icon on the bottom-right. This will open the video settings in a pop-up window. </p><p style="margin: 5px;">3. Click Subtitles/CC in the Settings pop-up. This will open a list of all the available subtitle languages for this video. Then choose the subtitle language you want. </p><p style="margin: 5px;">?ON YOUR PHONE APP </p><p style="margin: 5px;">1. Tap the three-dot icon on the top-right. This will open your video options on a pop-up menu. </p><p style="margin: 5px;">2. Tap Captions on the menu. This option is listed next to a "CC" icon on the pop-up menu. It will open a list of all the available subtitles for this video. Then choose the subtitle language you want. </p><p style="margin: 5px;">***************************************************************************************************** </p><p style="margin: 5px;">? CANNABIS CROWDGROWING PLATFORM ? </p><p style="margin: 5px;">JuicyFields is on a mission to make the cannabis industry free for all to benefit from, become an e-grower today and make profit with every harvest! </p><p style="margin: 5px;">? Register on the platform here: https://juicyfields.io/ </p><p style="margin: 5px;">► How to BECOME AN E-GROWER in 5 easy steps: </p><p style="margin: 5px;">1️⃣ SIGN UP ON JUICYFIELDS.IO </p><p style="margin: 5px;">Create a free account to access the platform. </p><p style="margin: 5px;">2️⃣ SELECT YOUR CLONES </p><p style="margin: 5px;">Choose the category and the number of plants you want to buy. </p><p style="margin: 5px;">3️⃣ COMPLETE THE PAYMENT </p><p style="margin: 5px;">Choose the payment method that suits you best: bank transfer or cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum or Tether. </p><p style="margin: 5px;">4️⃣ GROW ONLINE </p><p style="margin: 5px;">Our expert partners will grow the plants for you. You will be able to follow the evolution on the platform without having to touch a plant. </p><p style="margin: 5px;">5️⃣ GET YOUR PROFIT! </p><p style="margin: 5px;">When the plant is harvested and packed, you will receive in your account the initial contribution plus the profits generated. </p><p style="margin: 5px;">► Visit our CROWDGROWING PLATFORM: https://juicyfields.io/ </p><p style="margin: 5px;">► Stay updated on our OFFICIAL SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNELS: </p><p style="margin: 5px;">? Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juicyfields.official/ </p><p style="margin: 5px;">? Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jsflds </p><p style="margin: 5px;">? LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/juicy-fields/mycompany/ </p><p style="margin: 5px;">? Twitter: https://twitter.com/Juicy_Network </p><p style="margin: 5px;">► Catch on cannabis news, culture and recipes at JUICYNETWORK: </p><p style="margin: 5px;">?Website: https://juicy-network.com/ </p><p style="margin: 5px;">?Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juicynetwork_/ </p><p style="margin: 5px;">► Join our TELEGRAM GROUPS: </p><p style="margin: 5px;">??JuicyFields English: https://t.me/juicyfieldsio​​​ </p><p style="margin: 5px;">??JuicyFields Español: https://t.me/juicyfieldsiospanish​​​ </p><p style="margin: 5px;">??JuicyFields Français: https://t.me/juicyfieldsfrench​​​ </p><p style="margin: 5px;">??JuicyFields Português: https://t.me/juicyfieldsportuguese​​​ </p><p style="margin: 5px;">??JuicyFields 普通话: https://t.me/juicyfieldschinese​​​ </p><p style="margin: 5px;">??JuicyFields עִברִית: https://t.me/juicyfieldsisrael​​​ </p><p style="margin: 5px;">??JuicyFIelds Deutsche:https://t.me/juicyfieldsgerman​​​ </p><p style="margin: 5px;">??JuicyFields Italiano: https://t.me/juicyfieldsitalian​​​ </p><p style="margin: 5px;">??JuicyFields Dutch: https://t.me/juicyfieldsdutch </p><p style="margin: 5px;">#FosterTheFuture​​​ at JuicyFields.io ✨ </p><p style="margin: 5px;"> </p><p style="margin: 5px;"> </p><p style="margin: 5px;"> </p><p style="margin: 5px;"> </p><p style="margin: 5px;"> </p><p style="margin: 5px;"> </p><p style="margin: 5px;"> </p><p style="margin: 5px;"> </p><p style="margin: 5px;"> </p><p style="margin: 5px;"> </p><p style="margin: 5px;"> </p><p style="margin: 5px;"> </p><p style="margin: 5px;"> </p><p style="margin: 5px;"> </p><p style="margin: 5px;"> </p><p style="margin: 5px;"> </p><p style="margin: 5px;"> </p><p style="margin: 5px;"> </p><p style="margin: 5px;"> </p><p style="margin: 5px;"> </p><p style="margin: 5px;"> </p><p style="margin: 5px;"> </p><p style="margin: 5px;"> </p><p style="margin: 5px;"> </p><p style="margin: 5px;"> </p>