Indian guru meditates while being blasted with ice

An Indian guru meditated while being blasted with ice on a snowy mountain. Footage shows Yogi Satyendra Nath sitting on top of a rock formation on a cliff with his eyes closed and concentrating in Himachal Pradesh on April 28. The yogi was wearing thin clothing and remained composed despite the harsh weather around him. He said the exercise demonstrates how he can use 'mindfulness skills to transcend the biting weather and keep his cool on a freezing mountain'. The Himalayas are considered sacred in many Indian spiritual traditions. Some dedicated gurus meditate in obscure locations to increase their concentration skills. Mindfulness meditation is a practice that combines meditation with mindfulness, a state of awareness focused on the present moment. Followers believe it can train their minds to slow down and let go of negative thoughts and feelings, which some people believe are the cause of certain illnesses.