Worlds 1st Vape Dispensary RC Truck | RC ADVENTURES

<p>Next Level RC = Radio Control Hookah?! Vape? 4X4? Dab Blaster? Bong? You Decide</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>RC ADVENTURES&trade;/ RCSparks Studio&trade; &copy; 2022Medic Media Productions Inc. All rights reserved. Publication, reproduction or distribution of this film by any means whatsoever - including without limitation electronic transmission via internet or e-mail, or re-uploading existing videos &amp; re-uploading such material on any website anywhere in the world &mdash; is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of Medic Media Productions Inc. All videos on the RCSparks Studio&trade; TheWeedTube channel are for entertainment purposes only.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>