USA: Bear Found Under Pagosa Springs Family's Deck, Safely Relocated by CPW Officers

Pagosa Springs, United States - June 28, 2024 A tranquil afternoon on their back deck turned into an unexpected wildlife encounter for a Pagosa Springs family last week when they heard unusual sounds coming from beneath their feet, prompting a call to Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW). Upon arrival, CPW officers Cody Rarick and Nate Martinez discovered a sizable bear beneath the deck, known locally for its frequent ventures into human-populated areas in search of food sources. Recognizing the bear's history and behavior, Rarick and Martinez opted to tranquilize the animal for relocation to safer territory. Despite successful sedation, the operation to safely remove the bear from under the deck posed significant challenges. Estimated to weigh over 400 lbs and believed to be over 10 years old, the bear required the assistance of multiple bystanders to be relocated into a bear trap. Following a strenuous effort, the bear was transported to a remote area with optimal natural food sources, far away from residential areas. CPW's Martinez oversaw the release of the bear into its new habitat, ensuring it had the best chance of thriving without posing risks to nearby communities.