SHOULDER DROP - Ladder To Success 1 • Ages 10-13

SHOULDER DROP - LADDER TO SUCCESS 1 . AGES 10-13 Former US National Champion, Coach Eric De Sousa, breaks down the basics of movement to enhance a player’s overall agility using a speed ladder. Progression 1 demonstrates the most fundamental form of misdirection used in soccer: the Shoulder Drop. With a Speed & Agility Ladder on the ground, the player begins with two light steps outside of the ladder and one heavy step inside for the shoulder drop. If a ladder is unavailable, you may use tape or any form of a straight line on the ground. After the player turns his upper body direction getting the body lower to the ground for the shoulder drop, they reset their feet with two lights steps outside of the ladder. This continues throughout every square making sure the player is light on their feet staying off their heels, arms pumping in a natural running motion for proper balance, and shoulders relaxed. This drill must then be repeated on the other side of the ladder so the athlete can work right and left shoulder drops. This exercise is recommended 3-4 times a week for 10 to 20 minutes to perfect the technique.