Bolivia: Bolivians rally to defend democracy

La Paz, Bolivia - June 26, 2024 Storyline: Bolivian people gathered on Wednesday evening to demonstrate strong support for democracy, voicing their backing for President Luis Arce and condemning the actions of General Juan Jose Zuniga following an attempted coup d'etat in La Paz. Nataly Chura, a local resident, highlighted the legitimacy of the current government and the president, who is often affectionately referred to as "Lucho." Another resident, who wished to remain unnamed, reiterated the importance of democratic principles. Earlier on Wednesday, troops led by General Zuniga, assembled in Plaza Murillo square, the location of both the presidential palace and Congress in La Paz, according to Xinhua News Agency reports. Hours later, Zuniga was arrested in a coordinated operation led by Deputy Interior Minister Jhonny Aguilera, effectively thwarting the coup. At a press conference, Jose Luis Tarquino, the communications head of the Attorney General's Office (FGE), announced the start of a criminal investigation into Zuniga and others involved in the coup. An immigration alert was also issued against Zuniga to prevent any potential escape. The Prosecutor's Office for the Department of La Paz immediately established a commission of prosecutors to thoroughly investigate the attempted coup. Amidst ongoing tensions, President Arce and his cabinet reaffirmed their commitment to thwarting any destabilization attempts, vowing to maintain peace and order in the nation. Shotlist: La Paz, Bolivia - June 26, 2024: 1. People at rally shouting "we are not afraid"; 2. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Nataly Chura, Bolivian resident: "First, we must defend democracy. Because this is a totally legitimate government, elected by the people with 55 percent of the vote. We Bolivians voted to have peace in Bolivia. The fact that the military wants to cover their own dirty behavior has raised more questions for us. We will always defend democracy. Lucho had won. We are going to be here to have his back."; 3. Various of people at rally shouting "the people united will never be defeated!"; 4. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Bolivian resident (name not given) (with reporter asking question): "We are here because democracy must be respected in Bolivia." (Reporter: "So, do you support Arce's government or...?") "We support that democracy must be upheld in the country and that don't exist any dictatorship or any imposition from anybody."; 5. Various of people at rally; 6. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Alcides Arias, Bolivian resident (with reporter asking question): "This mobilization is to defend democracy. Democracy has to be respected. We are here to support our president, Lucho Arce. So we all have to defend now. Now is when we cannot let them intimidate us by this dictatorship. Lucho, you are not alone!" (Reporter: "What do you think about Army's intervention?") "I think this is an outrage of our democracy. They are using our institutionality. Lucho, you are not alone! Democracy must be respected."; 7. Various of people at rally, traffic; 8. People passing by police station; 9. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Jacqueline Rojas, Bolivian resident (with reporter asking question) (ending with shot 10): "We are here to support our president, Arce. Constitutionally and democratically, he was chosen by the people and the citizens. We are still going to support our president to reach to something that is democratic for all the society; 10. Various of people at rally. [Restriction - No access Chinese mainland]