Boy Dubbed 'Young Ringo' After Jamming To The Beatles With Grandpa

A four-year-old has been dubbed Little Ringo on social media after his parents shared a wholesome video of him perfectly jamming to The Beatles with his grandpa. Youngster Luke has always loved the Fab Four, thanks to the influence of his grandfather Rick – known as Nonno – who became a fan of the band in his younger years. Rick, 64, received his first drum set when he was 13, and since then has never stopped playing. Together, he and Luke love having jamming sessions, which, one day, Luke's parents Erica and Patrick decided to capture on video. In the couple's Dallas, Texas, games room, they found Luke and Rick performing "Please Please Me." The pair sang together in tune, while Luke played his drumsticks on the couch in perfect rhythm to Ringo Starr's original performance.