PASSING FUNDAMENTALS 2 - Winning 1-Touch Passing • Ages 6-9

PASSING FUNDAMENTALS 2 – Winning 1-Touch Passing Ages 6-9. English FA coach, Neil McKay, teaches a drill on one touch passing and movement. Set up two disc cones a few yards apart, and set up two more sets of cones six yards on either side. Start with a player standing between each cone with a ball on one end and an extra spare player behind the starting player with the ball. The starting player gives a pass to the ‘bounce’ player in the middle who returns a one touch pass to the same player before bouncing out to the side. The starting player now plays a longer one touch pass through the empty middle cones to the other end, before following to the middle cones to receive the ball back, playing another one touch return pass, before bouncing to the outside and following on. Make sure that the players strike the center of the ball with their one touch pass to ensure an accurate and level pass. This drill is perfect to build skills and promote movement and teamwork with simple 1-2 passes.