OceanGate Co-Founder Organising Trip To One Of The Deepest Sinkholes

Guillermo Söhnlein, co-founder of OceanGate, is planning an expedition to Dean’s Blue Hole. Söhnlein will be travelling to one of the world’s deepest underwater sinkholes through his new company, Bahamas Blue Marble Exploration. This comes a year after the tragic implosion of the Titan submersible, which he co-founded with Stockton Rush. The mission aims to explore the 663-foot sinkhole, but it faces challenges like extreme pressure and darkness. While the type of submersible for the mission remains unspecified, the project continues despite the Titan tragedy. Five people lost their lives when the submersible imploded an estimated hour and 45 minutes into its dive to the Titanic wreck. "Each year, several people drown in Dean’s due to a variety of misfortunes. We fully expect to find human remains and prepare to handle those situations with proper respect for the families," said Blue Marble Exploration in a statement.