Boy tests bubbling sinkhole that formed at father's rugby club

Chairman of Ruislip RFC, Jatin Radia, said he was watching his son play American Football nearby when his phone started “blowing up” with messages from dog walkers asking: “Oh my god! What is happening at your rugby club?” He told the Standard: “I saw the photos and thought it was unusual to say the least. “We don’t know whats going on it was a mystery “Whenever you tell a child to stay away their first reaction is to go straight towards it. “It looked like a bubbling sinkhole you had a 5m pool of sludgy foam and bubbling coming through it. “You could hear and see the bubbling. “Obviously it raised concerns of what is this stuff? “HS2 had already sent investigators, fair play to them, but they didn’t have a clue. Even the specialists said something is not right but we don’t know what it is.” “We very quickly sent the message out to all our members: ‘Do not go near it!’” He added: “No way I was risking my limbs falling off touching that. I didn’t want to go near. Naturally my son chucked a massive log in to see if it will float. “We’ve all watched Marvel and Dr Who we just thought ‘where is this going to go?’ “It’s one of those things you never expect to see on your own rugby ground. “We get rabbit holes from time to time but random foam just bursting out and bubbling away - it was like an alien movie.” “Everyone was saying it was out of Stranger Things.” He asked for greater communication from HS2 who did not warn him they were digging that weekend. He said: “I’m not an eco-warrior or anything like that my concern is whether it will impact our pitches and if they are safe for boys and girls to play on. “If you are for HS2 or against it you would still expect they would carry out risk and safety assessments. “The concern is that it could have happened in the middle of the game. “That is the ultimate fear we are hosting a Middlesex tournament soomn we will have 700 9-10 year-olds which is not a small amount of people. “They didn’t know this was going to happen, it wasn’t on their radar. Everyone had to scramble to figure out what was going on.” “I would love a bit more communication from HS2 how it can affect our grounds.”