PETA is Now Going After Fishermen

PETA posted a tweet that made a lot of people scratch their heads. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has always had its fair share of opponents, as its aggressive approach to combatting the mistreatment of animals has always seemingly had an abrasive effect. Although most people agree with the sentiment of looking out for animals' best interest, PETA has a well-known reputation for taking it a step further, condemning many law-abiding citizens for participating in legal activities. Now, however, PETA is taking shots at anglers, too. Last week it posted a tweet that essentially said no one should ever fish—catch-and-release or not—because fish feel pain. "Fish are sentient individuals who feel pain," PETA said in the tweet. "Invading an animal's natural habitat, harassing them, and eating them for fun is so cruel. Don't go fishing this summer, or EVER." The fallacy with the veganism argument isn't in what an animal feels. No one is disputing the pain an animal experiences before it dies. So, there's one thing meat-eaters can and should acknowledge. Yet, somehow PETA and its followers refuse to acknowledge our anatomical ability to eat meat. Humans are omnivores; it's more natural for us to eat meat than for us to be vegan. At the end of the day, death isn't pretty. It's death. But no one's cornering a tiger or a lion with an animal cruelty picket sign. No one's telling a black bear to only eat those berries even though it instinctively knows it needs to add protein to its diet. How many of the animal rights people who retweeted or liked this post go home and feed their dogs food made with farm-raised chickens? This conversation is an exhausted one. Let it go, people. For more check out