13 Purifying Houseplants That Are Safe for Cats and Dogs

Check out this easy, go-to guide for introducing safe indoor plants that won't pose a risk to your four-legged friends! Most pet owners already know that certain species of houseplants can pose a threat to the health of their furry friends, but here's an easy reference for anyone looking to add some greenery air purifying goodness to their indoor spaces without compromising the welfare of their pets. Check out these non-toxic houseplants safe for cats and dogs available on Amazon. 1. Money Tree The money tree, or money plant, not only works to reduce toxins such as formaldehyde from the air, but is an excellent choice for anyone with asthma, lung issues, or calls a smoggy city home. Plus, they're known for inviting in luck and prosperity, and won't bother any curious critters. 2. Palms There are several varieties of palm that are easy to keep indoors, and won't leave your furry friends sick or feeling icky. If you're just starting to cultivate your green thumb, consider the areca palm, which doesn't require much care, and naturally purifies the air around it. 3. Spider Plant Sturdy, safe, and sprouting off dozens of shoots that are easy to clip and cultivate, the spider plant is an excellent way to bring some healing yet decorative flair to any room. Because this plant tends to dangle, however, take care to place high up in a hanging basket to avoid any cat-induced catastrophes - those stems can be enticing! 4. Boston Fern Boston ferns are said to work as a living air humidifier, perfect for anyone stuck indoors in areas where harsh winters force us to blast dry heat from air vents. 5. Tradescantia Zebrina Non-toxic and known to spread into a lush display, this purple plant is wonderful for hanging near a windowsill or draped over an end table, and cats are known to love their soft, curling leaves! 6. Wax Plant This sturdy plant is great for anyone frequently exposed to chemicals found in paint, gasoline, or smog, and is non-tox