MSNBC's Chris Matthews Confuses Black SC Dem Jaime Harrison For Black GOP Sen. Tim Scott

Chris Matthews confused his guest, Jaime Harrison (D-SC), an African-American candidate for U.S. Senate, with Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) on the Friday edition of MSNBC's 'Hardball.' Scott is also black. Matthews introduced Harrison while Senators Tim Scott and Lindsey Graham could be seen on screen standing together on the sidelines at a Trump campaign rally in Charleston, S.C. which was going on as the show was broadcasting, meaning Matthews believes he was interviewing someone who was simultaneously at the rally and on his program. "Jaime, I see you standing next to the guy you're going to beat right there, maybe, maybe, Lindsey Graham," Matthews said. "That's Tim Scott," Harrison said. "Jaime?" Matthews said. "Tim Scott," another guest said. "Who's that?" a confused Matthews said. "That's Tim Scott," another guest said causing Harrison to laugh. "I'm sorry?" an increasingly confused Matthews said. "Oh, the other Senator, Tim Scott. What am I saying?" a now lucid Matthews said. "Big mistake. Mistaken identity, sir. I'm sorry," he continued. Matthews quickly moved on to a question about Harrison challenging Graham in 2020. A photo comparison of the two men: <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Omg Chris Matthews Just confused Jamie Harrison for Tim Scott! <br>But don’t worry about it Chris I think all you old white men with toupees all look alike too! <a href="">#hardball</a> <a href=""></a></p>— Mayday Mindy