Chris Matthews To Eric Swalwell: Will You Guys Ever Get Anything Done On Impeachment?

MSNBC’s "Hardball" host Chris Matthews asked 2020 presidential candidate Eric Swalwell why he and his Congressional colleagues "never get anything done" on impeachment. "Well, I’ll see when any of your ploys work. Congressman, I’ve watched the Democrats play around with process. Adam Schiff talking about what he’s going to do, what he’s not going to do. Then he’s disappeared. You guys never get anything done," Matthews said. <blockquote>CHRIS MATTHEWS: Well, I’ll see when any of your ploys work. Congressman, I’ve watched the Democrats play around with process. Adam Schiff talking about what he’s going to do, what he’s not going to do. Then he’s disappeared. You guys never get anything done. CONGRESSMAN ERIC SWALWELL (D-CA): No, we’re winning. We’re winning. MATTHEWS: You’ve never been able to get a single witness up there that didn’t want to come up. Name a witness you got to come before your committee in all these months you’ve had subpoena power. SWALWELL: You know what, Chris? You bring me back in three months and if that’s the case if we hadn't gotten witnesses because of this winning court fights, I will say that you’re right. I went to the Department of Justice today and I reviewed materials that I was not allowed to review two weeks ago. MATTHEWS: You’re going to get McGahn, you’re going to get Mueller you’re going to get who? Who are you going to get to testify that’s important in this race that they’re going to turn the issue around so you can move on impeachment? Who’s going to come up? SWALWELL: Empty witness chairs will now mean empty pockets. So, they can either go broke or they can come forward and tell the truth. That’s what today’s contempt vote means. MATTHEWS: Do you think bringing back John Dean served any purpose yesterday? SWALWELL: Yes, of course. I think laying the foundation of what this means in the perspective of history. Chris, I — I was in high school when Bill Clinton went through impeachment. I wasn’t alive when Richard Nixon went through impeachment. There’s a whole generation — generations of people who have never seen our country go through this before. So, I think it’s important not to just assume everyone has seen and is familiar with Watergate and so lay it out for them so they know what’s at stake. MATTHEWS: Did you know he was going to testify he was not a fact witness? He had no facts to offer to this debate about the guilt or innocence of the President? Did you know ahead of time he was going to say I'm not a fact witness? SWALWELL: No, I didn't know that. MATTHEWS: Well, that's dramatic stuff. It sort of takes him off the table as just sort of a, you know, guilt by nostalgia. It seems like the purpose of — somebody talking about a ouija board bringing him back. Can he bring Nixon back? It became ludicrous— it became, I thought, ridiculous. </blockquote> (h/t: <a href="">Newsbusters</a>)