Jake Tapper Interviews Kamala Harris: How Would Banning Trump On Twitter Not Be A Slippery Slope?

CNN's Jake Tapper questions Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) about her <a href="https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2019/10/01/kamala_harris_trumps_twitter_account_should_be_suspended.html">push to have President Trump banned from Twitter</a>. JAKE TAPPER, CNN HOST: I know you wrote to Twitter and the CEO Jack Dorsey and asked him to take away the president’s Twitter handle, his account.    How is that not a violation of free speech?  I mean, the president has the same rights that you have, that I have, and how would that not just be a slippery slope where they have to ban -- you know, half of the people on Twitter?    SEN. KAMALA HARRIS (D-CA):  I’ve heard that argument, but here’s the thing Jake.  First of all, a corporation -- which is what Twitter is, does not have the -- it has obligations, and in this case Twitter has terms of use policy.  And their terms of use dictate who receives the privilege of speaking on that platform and who does not.     And Donald Trump has clearly violated the terms of use, and there should be a consequence for that.  Not to mention the fact that he has used his platform, being the president of the United States in a way that has been about inciting fear and potentially inciting harm against a witness to what might be a crime against our country and our democracy.    And for that reason I do believe that he is -- that it’s clear that he has violated the terms of use, and I’m asking that Twitter does what it has done in previous occasions, which is to revoke someone’s privilege because they have not -- they’ve not lived up to the advantages of the privilege.