Swedish K

<p>Kulsprutepistol m/45 designed 1944/1945, manufactured 1945 - 1964 in Carl Gustafs Stads Gevärsfaktori, Eskilstuna, Sweden, 1965 - 1970 licensed to Maadi Factories, Egypt, and a random day 2024, Jim Fuller and some random Home Depot in Scottsdale AZ. Yep, this Swedish K&#39;s receiver was a Home Depot fence post. </p><p>Fun facts:</p><p>&gt; It is a full auto only weapon with no semi option, fired from an open bolt position</p><p>&gt; This was the standard SMG for the Swedish army from 1945 to 1965. </p><p>&gt; In April 2007, the Swedish K was officially declared obsolete and was retired from it&#39;s final user, the Swedish National Security Forces</p><p>&gt; Due to its simplistic design, there are plenty of unlicensed copies out in the wild</p><p></p><p>Cartridge: 9x19, more specifically the m/39B, loaded with 104gr projectile and 5.7gr of powder</p><p>Weight: 7.4lb without magazine</p><p>Length: 31.8in with stock extended and 21.6in white folded</p><p>Barrel length: 8.34in</p><p>Cycling rate: 600rpm</p><p>Feeding system: 36rd box magazine</p><p>Maximum firing range: at least 3 inches</p>