The Unwavering Rise of Family Offices

The Nykaa IPO has put a major spotlight on Family Offices in recent times. Over the last five years, Family Offices in the South Asian nation have been warming up to the idea of investing in the venture market as the country’s startup ecosystem grew rapidly. They are expected to invest $30 billion in local startups by 2025 and have been participating in 50+ startup deals yearly since 2015. The pandemic has led to Family Offices pursuing a "crisis mode" to preserve and sustain family assets and mitigate any potential capital risk. These wealth management advisory firms had to look at their underlying investments under a microscope to ascertain how they would be affected and what sectors they belonged to in order to understand what could be done to cut their losses and retain money to the best of their ability. And so, these family offices had to learn how to be resilient and antifragile. There have been more connections in the virtual world and video technology has been embraced to facilitate easier access and contact. In this brand new episode of Mint's Startup Diaries, catch these industry experts exploring this phenomenon of Family Offices even more, what the change in attitude towards investing in startups and what's at stake for Family Offices. Amit Patni, Founder and MD - Raay Global, believes that there's an immense amount of liquidity flow but it's difficult to place the right bets. One advantage that FOs have is their willingness and appetite to invest in startups, as compared to their hesitancy a couple of years ago. Investors’ experiences will also pave a way for the potential investors who are looking into these areas. Hershel Mehta, Co-Founder and Partner - 2am VC, emphasizes how each Family Office is inherently different and takes both wins and losses before learning. As Family Offices navigate, it is crucial to have a co-investor and put enough time, discipline and dedication and a thesis must be developed that defines the enterprise. Furthermore, he sees investing at a later stage as fruitful, however, it would come with harder allocations. Tauseef Khan, CEO and Co-Founder - Gramophone, has a different point of view and opines that there is rising interest among FOs, from a business point of view, and they're bringing in more expertise than any other financial investor and the change is welcomed. Gerald Manoharan, Partner - JSA, mentions the collaborative investment which also brings value addition to the company and observes the competition in the valuation space even in Pre-Series A, contrary to previous times. He states that provisions for early exits within investment structures are also taking place because of the competition. Watch the full video to know more.