Spider Farmer SE7000 E:43 - Programming The Spider Farmer LED Light Controller.

In this episode of my Native Sugar Shack life ..Programming the Spider Farmer LED light controller.<br>YES! We have a Spider Farmer discount code for you, awesome! If you use our discount code at the Spider Farmer website you will save on your purchase and the channel will receive a small commission ... that we will likely spend on stuff to give away or other things like that in support of those who support us. Thank you!Discount Code: nativesugarshackhttps://www.spider-farmer.com<br>We also have a discount code at Sierra Natural Science, I use SNS-209 and other SNS pest control products &amp; my friend Jen at SNS was kind enough to offer the channel a discount code, thanks Jen!! The channel DOES NOT profit in any way from this code other than we get to use it &amp; save a whopping 25% just like you do, awesome!!Discount Code: SNS-25JThttps://www.sierranaturalscience.com<br>This channel is sponsored by Valley Wide Hydro of Broken Arrow Oklahoma. VWH provides the channel with Deep Roots Coco. The various coco mixes from Deep Roots are made right here in Oklahoma at the Deep Roots facility in Broken Arrow. I've been using Deep Roots in large commercial grows, had it delivered to the grow by the VWH crew in 1500 pound totes, and my own commercial &amp; personal grows in bags for years and can personally vouch for it, in fact, I highly recommend it!! You can find Valley Wide Hydro on the web at https://www.valleywidehydro.com or call Todd &amp; crew direct at (918) 551-6091<br>This channel uses YouTube provided copyright free music and music provided by https://www.bensound.com , thanks Ben!!