Boy Who Is Visually Impaired Recognizes Dad's Voice When He Surprises Him at School | Happily TV

A young boy who is blind has gone viral after his father shared a beautiful video of his son lighting up on school campus as soon as he recognized his voice. In the wholesome surprise video – which has been viewed nearly 55 million times – Rossy Armstrong, 5, is seen walking around his school campus after lunch, using his cane to guide him. Then, his father Ross, 34, who was recording his son as he walked past, suddenly said, "Hey, Rossy!" As soon as Rossy, who has optic nerve hypoplasia, heard the familiar voice, he stopped, turned around, and joyfully replied, "Daddy?!" Ross then affirmed that it was him, and the excited youngster changed his course and headed over to his father for a loving hug, his voice filled with excitement. The moment took pace at Louisiana School For The Visually Impaired, in Baton Rouge, on May 17. Ross later posted the video on his social media channels and, to date, it has received more than five million likes. According to Ross, Rossy is blind with limited vision – but that doesn't stop him from being a huge ball of energy. Ross and his wife, Victoria, share videos of Rossy, hoping to raise awareness for children who are visually impaired. Before the coronavirus pandemic, Ross and Victoria said they would visit Rossy at school often, but as campus visits have been limited, this viral moment came as a complete surprise to their son.