Plants That Will Attract Unwanted Pests To Your Garden

By now, you’re probably enjoying the results of your spring gardening efforts, with many plants in full bloom. However, some of your plants are attracting pests to your garden, so here are five you may reconsider growing next year. Rabbits and deer will love your tulips, especially the shoots, with aphids, thrips, and spider mites attacking them as well. Roses can also attract numerous pests, including Japanese beetles and spider mites, along with rose slugs and rose leafhoppers. Your tomato plants will attract rabbits and squirrels and are also susceptible to hornworms and whiteflies. The bamboo in your garden is a perfect hiding spot for mosquitoes, especially since it has hollow reeds where moisture will collect. Lastly, sunflowers are such a great addition to your garden; however, their seeds are popular among birds and certain insects.