McDaniel: Media And Democrats Went From "Me Too, Me Too, Me Too," To "Move On, Move On, Move On"

Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel accused Democrats and the mainstream media of hypocrisy for "ignoring" allegations of sexual assault against Joe Biden by Tara Reade, a former Senate staffer. "It went from MeToo, MeToo, MeToo, to Move on, Move on, Move on in a nanosecond because he’s a Democrat and the hypocrisy is appalling," she said Sunday on ABC's "This Week." "And it’s not just from the Democrats, it’s from the media, and I’ll tell you, I think any outlet that conducted those 19 interviews and didn’t ask a single question should be disqualified from conducting any part of a presidential debate." <blockquote> MCDANIEL: I’m going to take issue – I’m going to take issue with the media ignoring this. It has been appalling, the hypocrisy, as to how Brett Kavanaugh was treated versus Joe Biden. Brett Kavanaugh, every accuser was put on TV. It was wall-to-wall coverage. They went into his high school yearbook. They said he needed an FBI investigation. Michael Avenatti was on TV accusing him of gang rape from an accuser who’d never even met Brett Kavanaugh. And then you go to Joe Biden. Five weeks of silence. Nineteen interviews without a single question. He won’t let people go into his records in the University of Delaware. They’re calling on the DNC to do the investigation. It went from MeToo, MeToo, MeToo, to Move on, Move on, Move on in a nanosecond because he’s a Democrat and the hypocrisy is appalling and it’s not just from the Democrats, it’s from the media, and I’ll tell you, I think any outlet that conducted those 19 interviews and didn’t ask a single question should be disqualified from conducting any part of a presidential debate. RADDATZ: So why did the president say he was, in a way, sticking up for him? MCDANIEL: Because due process and the presumption of innocence has no longer been the standard in this country when it comes to republicans and now democrats are suddenly embracing those legal standards that we made the cornerstone of our country when it comes to Joe Biden, but they threw it out the window when it came to Brett Kavanaugh, and so did the media. And the hypocrisy has been appalling, and we need to do some self-reflection as to how Kavanaugh was treated versus how Biden is being treated right now.