Dominatrix rates nine dominatrix scenes and sessions in movies and tv

Professional dominatrix and certified sexologist Damiana Chi rates nine dominatrix scenes in movies and TV, such as "Euphoria," for realism. Chi breaks down the accuracy of ethics and safety procedures of BDSM scenes in "Euphoria" (2019), "Transparent" (2016), and "The Wolf of Wall Street" (2013), starring Leonardo DiCaprio. She looks at the plausibility of BDSM sessions in "Bonding" (2019), "Pose" (2018), and "Billions" (2018), starring Maggie Siff. She also breaks down the realism of protocols that happen outside of BDSM sessions in "Secret Diary of a Call Girl" (2007), "Love and Leashes" (2022), and "Fifty Shades of Grey" (2015), starring Dakota Johnson. Chi has been a professional dominatrix for 23 years, and is a certified sexologist specializing in kink-centered life coaching. She owns a BDSM studio in Los Angeles called the Chi Temple, and she is also the founder of the Evolutionary Dominatrix Academy. She holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology. You can follow Damiana here: