How Big is a Moose, Really?

If ever found yourself asking this question, here's all you need to know. At one point or another throughout life, you have probably asked somebody just how big is a moose, anyways? Well, a big bull is huge. As a matter of fact they are the largest member of the deer family in North America. They can weigh over 1,000 pounds and be up to seven feet tall at the shoulders. Considering that is only at the shoulders, a bull moose is much taller than that when you factor in the head and antlers. So yeah, moose are big. It's hard to imagine an animal like this still exists in the the world. To me, they seem like a relic from our past that used to rub shoulder with the wooly mammoth and ran from cavemen. However, they are still here and flourishing in Alaska, some parts of Europe, as well as Canada. Here in America though, their populations are in great decline. Minnesota and the Northeast have seen the most rapid drop in populations. Studies are underway trying to figure why. Currently the culprits are most likely winter tick infestations, brain worms, bacterial infections, to even liver flukes. Harsh winters over the past several years from possible climate change have also not helped at all. in the meantime all we can do is hope an answer is right around the corner and our American moose populations can start to rebound. However, when it comes to how big a full-grown moose really is, let's have some fun here. It's easy to say a poundage and a height, but there's more to it than that. If you are like me, you like to think in pictures, not in numbers. So, let's dig in. Weight Okay, so as it was written above, the average moose can weight over 1000 pounds. To put that in perspective, that's about the same weight as a grand piano. Some Alaskan moose get much bigger, but on average, that's a good rough size. You know what else weights 1000 pounds? A polar bear. Yes, just imagine in your head how big polar bears are. I'm not talking about small little black