"Lemonade for Yemen-Aid" boys receive gold Blue Peter badges

Ayaan Moosa and Mikaeel Ishaaq were first featured in the Ilford Recorder in July when their simple idea for a lemonade stand called "Lemonade for Yemen-Aid" turned into a massive success. The seven-year-old best mates from Seven Kings set out to raise £500 on the day but ended up raising almost £5,000. After that the story went viral and was picked up internationally. In August the boys were selected as the Young Citizens of the month. In September superstar Angelina Jolie saw their story and surprised them with a personalised note and a large donation. When the Recorder spoke to Ayaan he said he hoped the story being featured across the world would raise even more money for the plight of starving children so “by the end of this we’ll have like trillions and trillions of dollars to help Yemen”. Through their efforts and collectively through the Yemen Crisis Appeal they have managed to raise £100,000. They have now been given a Gold Blue Peter Badge and were nominated by Stormzy.