Comey: "I Sent" FBI Agents Into WH, Wouldn't Have Gotten Away With It In A "More Organized Administration"

<A href="">Newly released files from the FBI</a> show bureau officials implemented a "meticulously planned-out scheme" to frame former national security adviser Michael Flynn, according to former federal prosecutor Andy McCarthy. "What we are seeing is a meticulously planned-out scheme to try to get a 33-year combat veteran of the United States to say something that was inaccurate so that they would have a basis to try to charge him with false statements or otherwise get him fired," McCarthy told FNC's Martha MacCallum on "The Story." Fired FBI director James Comey told MSNBC's Nicole Wallace during a December 2019 conversation that he "sent" FBI agents to be in the room during an interrogation of fired national security adviser Michael Flynn. Flynn eventually plead guilty to lying to FBI agents but is now seeking to withdraw the plea. When asked how there were other FBI agents there Comey said he "sent them," noting it is "something we, I probably wouldn't have done or gotten away with in a more organized investigation -- a more organized administration." "If General Flynn was a gangbanger or mafia guy, they would have sat down with them, they would have told them this is a criminal investigation, they would have identified themselves as FBI agents, told him the reason for the interview, told him he had a right not to answer questions, and told him he made false statements, that that could be grounds for prosecution. They would do all of those things for criminals," McCarthy said. More context on Comey's statement: <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Basically <a href="">@Comey</a> admits the <a href="">#Flynn</a> setup. Watch